Benefits of Nitric Oxide
  • What is Nitric oxide?
  • What does Nitric Oxide do to our body?
  • Benefits of Nitric Oxide in our body
Benefits of Nitric Oxide
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Amazing Benefits of Nitric Oxide Dump Workout You Must Know

Have you ever read that chart in your school that says 'periodic table'? You must have forgotten to pay attention to the elements therein, right? If yes, you've got good news! There must be two elements in the same periodic table- Nitrogen and Oxygen, which when combined give us Nitrogen Monoxide or Nitric Oxide. But why are we discussing this chemistry of bonding two elements together?

Well, this compound that we're calling Nitric Oxide works wonders for our body. How? Let's read this article to find out how Nitric Oxide can make your body healthy strengthening your immunity.

What does Nitric Oxide mean and How does it Work in our body?

Before knowing what exactly is the function of Nitric Oxide in our body, the first question is- what exactly a Nitric oxide mean?

Nitrogen Monoxide or Nitric Oxide is a gas or molecule produced in our body to adapt to physical health and improve blood circulation. But how do we get it? So, Nitric oxide gets dumped when we perform physical activities like HIIT exercises, aerobics, cardio, etc that stimulate blood flow in our body. Moreover, exercises such as arm raises, swinging arms and legs, squats, chest or shoulder presses, etc are considered to be beneficial to secrete the nitric acid in our body.

Later, this compound helps in the dilation of blood vessels to control our blood pressure. But what if our body stops generating Nitric Oxide? So, If a person's body stops or reduces the production of nitric oxide, it may cause many heart diseases, diabetes, or erectile dysfunction (especially in men). Hence, Nitric Oxide catalyzes the flow of oxygen and essential nutrients, to pass through each tissue and cell in our body effectively.

Why do We Need Nitric Oxide for our Body?

We've talked about how nitric oxide functions. But why do we need it? Or, is it necessary that our body produces Nitric Oxide? So, let us tell you that Nitric oxide is vitally necessary to boost your immunity while working out. But it has many more benefits as well that are listed below:-

  • Improves cardiovascular strength:- When nitric oxide is released after a workout, it expands the blood vessels to improve the blood flow mechanism inside our body. It prevents the chances of a heart attack or a stroke.
  • Helps manage blood sugar level:- Nitric oxide inside your body can help you overcome a chronic condition such as diabetes, decrease blood sugar levels, and control abnormal spikes in the blood sugar.
  • Beneficial for mitochondrial health:- Mitochondria is known as a powerhouse of the cells and nitric oxide dump exercise helps burn fat, giving cells the energy to help manage your body weight.
  • Boosts the immune system:- The immune cell 'activated macrophage' releases nitric oxide to help fight the pathogens and combat lethargy.
  • Increases sexual arousal:- Known to be a vasodilator, nitric oxide in your body can increase the penile blood flow to combat erectile dysfunction.
  • Prevents blood clotting:- It helps dilute the blood platelets preventing the blood from clotting. It saves an individual from getting a heart attack, stroke, and other critical illnesses.

How to Perform the Nitric Oxide Dump Workout the right way?

We've learned why is Nitric Oxide important in the human body. Now the question is how can we get this compound produced in our body? So that, our body could get more strength!

While you perform your workout, you must know whether you're doing the right exercises for that Nitric Oxide dump inside your body or not! It's inevitable to mention that exercises such as HIIT practice, aerobics, and cardio practices release Nitric Oxide that hits your body's immunity and muscular strength. But what is the best way to do a nitric oxide dump workout?

So, the workouts that involve a nitrite release in your body are highly intensive and prevent the body from several muscular injuries as well. And we're going to read about the steps and type of those nitric oxide dump workouts below:-

  1. Squats

    Squats are one of the best workouts that strengthen your tendons, ligaments, and bones of the leg muscles. It works to shape your hammies, glutes, and quadriceps and stabilizes your knee. It also helps you get strong bones and boosts your bone mineral density. 

    How to do it?

    • Stand straight keeping your feet and hips apart and point both your hands outwards
    • Bend slightly with your hips outwards and then go down
    • Keep your hips and thighs posture in such a way it looks like an invisible chair making an angle of 90 degrees
    • You don't have to sit down and your calves should not touch your thighs
    • Now straighten your legs to stand upwards, without twisting your knees and ankles
    • Repeat this lower-down and stand-straight practice in 15 reps for three sets 
  2. Alternate arm raises

    Alternate arm raises help build your core strength of abs, core, and shoulders. Also, it's a practice that can improve the balancing of your arms, forearms, and joint bones. It also helps stabilize mobility when you lift and press heavy objects. 

    How to do it?

    • Hold dumbells or weights with your palms facing towards your thighs and separate your feet away from the width of your shoulders
    • Keep the spine and your head in a slightly straight posture
    • Now lift one hand with the weight sideways, hands should not be lifted above the shoulder. While lifting the arm, breathe out
    • Lower down the arms after a brief pause and breathe in
    • Perform the same action with another arm and repeat 15 reps for three consecutive sets with each arm
    • You can also perform the same exercise for front arm raises, just like side arm raises
  3. Shoulder presses

    The shoulder press flexes and builds your muscular strength around the anterior deltoids and front deltoids. Moreover, it also works on the middle and lower trapezius and triceps. If incorporated with heavy dumbbells, it can increase strength over upper pecs areas. 

    How to do it?

    • Sit over a bench with back support on it to stabilize your posture
    • Place the dumbbells of your desired weights, equal to your shoulder
    • Lift both dumbbells in a straight upward direction such that it does not collide but face each other above your head
    • Slowly pull down the wights to your shoulder and repeat this in 15 reps for three sets
  4. Non-jumping jacks

    Jumping jacks are underrated but are the compulsory component of an exercise module. From improving your cardiovascular strength to building leg strength, from burning calories to increasing bone density and mobility. It has all the benefits intact which you can do anywhere with fun. It will also help you reduce the level of stress and fatigue for the day.

    How to do it?

    • Stand straight with your feet hip-width apart
    • Place one foot out from the side, setting your arms out and above your head
    • Raise your hands in an upright direction and move sidewise
    • Come in a jumping jack posture with your hands touching your hips and go away with your hands upwards
    • Repeat this exercise in 15 reps of three sets each in an alternate movement

    Note:- Pregnant women or senior citizens who have an injury should take the physician's advice before doing exercises to dump nitric oxide in their body.

How Can I Increase Nitric Oxide Naturally?

To increase the nitric oxide (NO) levels in your body, the best source is the intake of natural food that's easily available in the market. Some of the natural supplements or food sources to increase nitric oxide levels in your body are mentioned below:-

  • Spinach
  • Beetroots
  • Carrots
  • Celery
  • Arugula
  • Lettuce
  • Cabbage
  • Cauliflower
  • Cress
  • Fruits containing Vitamin-C like orange
  • Antioxidants contained in nuts and seeds

Summing It Up

Nitric oxide is present in our body and has multiple facets affecting our body's strength and immunity. It manages and relaxes the blood flow in our vessels, generates energy, and helps decrease blood viscosity. A nitrate-rich diet anthe d usage of antioxidants can be beneficial to produce nitric oxide naturally in your body. But it's equally important that you incorporate those mentioned above four nitric oxide dump exercises daily or at least 4 times a week to balance the generation of nitrates.

Benefits of Nitric Oxide: FAQs

1. Which exercises increase nitric oxide?

Exercises like aerobics, jogging, resistance training, walking, cycling, etc are known for nitric oxide dumping in your body.

2. How many days do I need to perform a nitric oxide dump workout?

You can gain the benefits of nitric oxide supposedly in 10 weeks if you exercise thrice a week for 30 minutes

3. Can I increase my muscle size with a nitric oxide workout?

Nitric oxide is helpful in endothelial function, relaxing the vascular muscles and a subsequent dilation that enhances the blood flow in your body contributing a better muscular performance and strength building.

4. Is nitric oxide good for workouts?

Nitric oxide is known for boosting fitness performance as it widens the blood vessels and increases vasodilation. Also, it helps deliver the oxygen and requirements into your body when performing the right set of exercises.

5. Which foods contain high nitric oxide?

The best way to have a nitric oxide dump is to have natural supplements that are rich in nitrites like green leafy vegetables such as kale, spinach, arugula, beetroot, cabbage, broccoli, carrots, and cauliflower, etc.

6. Is nitric oxide dump effective?

An extensive nitric oxide dump workout can impact your body's strength which can reap you so many physical health benefits.

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Simran Nirala

Written By: Simran Nirala

Simran has an experience of 3 years in insurance content writing. She transitioned from hospitality to the insurance industry after her emerging interest in how vast insurance is. With her ability to write complex insurance concepts in a simple, relatable manner she keeps her audience hooked and solves their doubts smoothly.