How to Cure Cataracts Naturally?
  • Understand about Cataract
  • How to Prevent Cataracts
  • Natural Cures of Cataracts
How to Cure Cataracts Naturally?
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Is It Possible to Cure Catars Naturally?

Whether you're wondering if cataracts can be cured naturally or how to get rid of cataracts in a nonsurgical way, keep your mind at ease. We're here to answer all sorts of questions related to cataract treatment. Currently, no natural home remedies for curing or "dissolving" cataracts exist.

Several myths related to natural remedies for cataracts may mislead patients and may delay a patient's access to helpful treatment. Remember that the longer a cataract goes without proper medical treatment, the harder it is to dissolve in future.

Meanwhile, cataract surgery is one of the safest surgeries available for removing them once and for all. While you can improve your lifestyle choices to prevent cataracts, there is no effective way to cure cataracts naturally.

What is a Cataract?

Currently, cataracts are one of the significant causes of vision loss. It develops when the cloudy layer covers the eye's lens, causing blurry vision, light sensitivity and difficulty in seeing clearly under dim light or at night. It starts when protein in the eyes shapes into clumps that prevent the lens from dispatching clear images to the retina.

The retina converts the light into signals and sends it to the optic nerve, which carries them to the brain. However, cataracts are quite common these days in older people. You can only partially prevent them since they are often a natural part of ageing. Cataracts can cloud your sight without surgical treatment to the point of permanent vision loss.

How to Prevent Cataracts

Are you wondering whether home remedies for cataracts exist or not? The answer is no; there is no natural "cure" for cataracts available. However, some lifestyle changes can slow the effects of cataracts or reduce cataracts from developing. These steps include:

1. Keep Avoid Sun's UV Rays

Sunglasses and a hat with a rim are necessary to protect the eyes from the sun's harmful UV rays. It is crucial since sun exposure can make cataracts more likely to develop. Sunglasses and a hat with a rim are necessary to protect the eyes from the sun's harmful UV rays. It is crucial since sun exposure can make cataracts more likely to develop.

2. Giving Up Smoking

Studies indicate that smoking may also increase the risk of developing cataracts at an earlier age. Even consuming cigarettes daily may tend to increase the amount of free radicals in your eyes. Free radicals damage the lipids and proteins present in the eyes and cause the eye's lens - leading to cataract development.

3. Well-balanced Diet

To reduce the risk of cataract development, people should increase their yellow or dark-green leafy vegetable intake. To reduce cataracts from developing, you may consider adding 100 percent whole grains meal to your daily diet. It includes amaranth, brown rice, bulgur, buckwheat, millet, oatmeal, popcorn, and wheat.

(A dilated eye exam is another option that can prevent the cataracts from developing. According to the National Eye, anyone over 60 should receive a dilated eye test at least once a year.)

Can Natural Products 'Cure' Cataracts?

There is ongoing research conducted on the topic of whether cataracts can be addressed through non-surgical methods. But there's no proven cure available for dissolving cataracts. People suffering from cataracts can opt for surgical methods to remove cataracts properly once and for all.

No proven cure for cataracts is available or medicines to prevent cataracts from developing, despite some websites claiming that their naturopathic medicines can do so. We've curated a list of natural remedies listed below, along with reasons why they shouldn't be considered treatments.

  • Vitamin Supplements

    Because of their antioxidant effect, vitamins C and E are claimes to help prevent the development of cataracts. While a diet rich in these vitamins is generally beneficial for overall health, there is inadequate proof that they can stop or reduce the formation of cataracts in your eyes.
  • Bilberry Extract

    Bilberries, a blueberry ancestor, have been praised for their eye health advantages, notably for cataracts and night vision. Antioxidants found in abundance in the fruit are supposed to shield the lens. But one more, there is no specific proof that bilberry extract is a successful cataract treatment.
  • Alpha Lipoic Acid

    Alpha lipoic acid is an antioxidant occasionally suggested for several eye-related disorders, such as cataracts. While antioxidants can generally improve eye health, there is currently no conclusive evidence that they are effective in treating or reversing cataracts.
  • Eyebright

    Eyebright is used in homeopathic treatments for eye disorders such as cataracts (Euphrasia Officinalis). There needs to be current research to back up its usage to treat cataracts.


Based on the ongoing research, no proven natural cure for cataracts is available in the market. Still, it requires a lot of research to determine whether these treatments will effectively reduce the effect of cataracts in humans. Cataract surgery is a fairly effective treatment, and most operations are successful. However, it can worsen and cause vision loss if a person does not undergo surgery to treat their cataracts timely.

How to Cure Cataracts Naturally?: FAQs

1. Does cataract can be cured naturally?

The answer is no; there is no natural "cure" for cataracts available, and surgery is the only way to remove them.

2. How can I prevent cataracts?

Some lifestyle precautions can slow the effects of cataracts, such as protecting your eyes from the sun's UV rays, quitting smoking, and consuming a well-rounded diet.

3. Can I get rid of cataracts without surgery?

No proven non-surgical cure for cataracts is available to prevent cataracts from developing.

4. Can cataracts regrow after removal?

No, cataracts cannot regrow after removal surgery.

5. What is the main cause of cataracts?

Most cataracts happen because of normal eye changes as you age.

6. Is cataract a harmful disease?

The longer a cataract goes without proper medical treatment, the harder it is to dissolve in future. However, it may lead to permanent vision loss.

7. Is cataract surgery 100% safe?

Cataract surgery is one of the safest surgeries available for removing them once.

8. How much does cataract surgery cost in India?

In India, the average expense of cataract surgery may range from INR 25,000 to INR 35,000 (for each eye).

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Sahil Singh Kathait

Written By: Sahil Singh Kathait

Sahil is a passionate content writer with over two years of expertise in the insurance domain. He uses his knowledge in the field to create engaging content that the customer can relate to and understand. His passion lies in simplifying insurance terminology, ensuring a hassle-free understanding for potential policyholders. With his outstanding collaborative efforts with people, he understands different perspectives and keeps readers' viewpoints at the forefront of his content writing approach.