Benefits Of Sweet Potato
  • Explore the Benefits of Sweet Potato
  • Prepare Recipes
  • Side Effects and Disadvantages
Benefits Of Sweet Potato

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Health Benefits Of Sweet Potato

If you are a fitness enthusiast and follow wellness bloggers or nutritionists on the internet you know that sweet potato is one of the most popular food items recommended by many. Sweet potatoes are nutritious and pack many vitamins like Vitamin A, Vitamin C, and manganese in each serving. Among the multiple benefits of sweet potatoes, there also lies the advantage of having anti-cancer properties and strengthening your immune system. The interesting fact about sweet potatoes is that it is not a potato but naturally sweet roots of the morning glory or bindweed family. Scientifically called Ipomoea batatas sweet potatoes are available in 100 different types. Some of them have white cream-coloured flesh while others are red, purple, brown, or even yellow. The most common type of sweet potato in the grocery market is "Covington" with pink skin and a bright orange pulp.

Sweet Potatoes are versatile and can be baked, steamed, fried, or boiled. Pair it with other vegetables and meats for a healthy fiber-rich meal. In this article, we discuss the benefits of sweet potatoes, their nutritional value, and ways in which you can include them in your diet.

Nutritional Value of Sweet Potato

Every 100 grams of sweet potato serving will provide you:

  • Protein
  • Fat
  • Fiber
  • Iron
  • Calcium
  • Magnesium
  • Phosphorous
  • Potassium
  • Sodium
  • Selenium
  • Vitamin C
  • Folate
  • Choline
  • Vitamin A, RAE
  • Beta-Carotene
  • Vitamin K
  • Cholesterol

This fibrous root contains Vitamin B, Calcium, and many other essential nutrients in small quantities.

Health Advantages of Sweet Potato

There are many advantages of sweet potatoes and we have listed down a few of them for your better understanding. Let us take a look.

  • Improving Gut Health

    Sweet potato is rich in fiber and antioxidants responsible for a happy gut. If your digestive tract is healthy, there are minimal chances of other illnesses/ailments. Sweet potatoes contain both soluble and insoluble fiber which aid in the digestive process. According to some medical studies, a fiber-rich diet reduces the chances of colon cancer.
  • Enhances Healthy Vision

    One of the many benefits of sweet potato is healthy vision. The sweet root is rich in beta-carotene which is responsible for sweet potatoes' bright color. Beta carotene is converted into Vitamin A in the human body which is crucial to form light-detecting receptors in your eyes. Medical studies also showcase that anthocyanins present in sweet potatoes can protect the eye cells from damage.
  • Maintains Blood Pressure

    Many individuals across the world suffer from hypertension, and irregular blood pressure increasing the risk of a heart attack or stroke. It is essential to note that unhealthy lifestyles and a lack of a healthy diet lead to major health issues like heart ailments, diabetes, and more. Including items like sweet potato and other nutrient-rich vegetables and fruits in your daily diet will not only help you manage your blood pressure but also aid in increasing energy levels and managing weight.
  • Immunity Booster

    Sweet potato advantages include helping your immune system to be stronger to fight external elements like free radical damage. The oxidative damage done to our cell structure because of free radicals can lead to inflammation and long-term illnesses such as cancer development, heart ailments, and more. Antioxidant-rich sweet potatoes are responsible for keeping your immune system strong and help you battle damaging agents from external factors such as pollution, sun damage, and more.
  • Sweet Potatoes Could Extend Life Expectancy

    Are you excited to cut more birthday cakes as you age? Include sweet potatoes in your diet as they contain beta-carotene. Multiple research studies have shown that a higher intake of beta-carotene-rich sweet potatoes reduces the risk of health ailments and increases longevity. To avail full potential of the antioxidant it is best to consume sweet potatoes boiled than frying or baking.

Including Sweet Potatoes In Your Diet

Sweet potatoes are very versatile and easy to add to your diet. They can be prepared in multiple ways. Enjoy it as a snack or serve it as a side. You can consume it with or without the peel in multiple ways like baking, boiling, frying, steaming, or pan-cooked.

The natural sweet taste can be paired with different dishes and can be mixed with different seasonings. Some popular ways in which you can enjoy sweet potatoes are:

  • Sweet potato fries

    just like you prepare french fries, simply peel the sweet potato and chop them in wedges. Enjoy it baked or fried.
  • Mashed Sweet Potato

    Simply boil sweet potatoes in a pressure cooker or microwave and peel the skin. Mash the sweet potatoes and add seasonings of your choice. It can be enjoyed well with chicken and veggies or with a vegetarian alternative for a protein-rich meal
  • Baked Sweet Potatoes

    Bake the sweet potatoes in an oven or air-fryer until sweet potato turn tender and enjoy them after peeling.

Wrapping It Up

Sweet Potatoes are a versatile root and can be found all year round at your nearest grocery store. They are a healthy addition to your diet and can help you manage your weight, and heart ailments, and also strengthen your immune system all while keeping you full for longer periods. Although there are more advantages of sweet potatoes than disadvantages, one should refrain from overconsuming these roots as they contain oxalate which, when consumed in higher portions can lead to kidney stones. So, enjoy these tasty roots in accurate portions and maximize their benefits for you.

Health Benefits Of Sweet Potato: FAQs

1. What are the various benefits of sweet potatoes?

Sweet potatoes are known to be nutrient-rich along with essential antioxidants. High in beta carotene it makes for an excellent source to keep eyes, skin, heart, and gut healthy. It is a versatile sweet root that can be eaten boiled, roasted, baked, mashed, and more. Sweet potatoes can aid in overall good health and weight management.

2. Does sweet potato manage weight?

Paired with other healthy vegetables and meats sweet potato can be an excellent source of fiber keeping you full for a longer period leading to lesser chances of you overeating or unhealthy snacking.

3. How much sweet potato is good for your health?

Sweet potatoes are overall beneficial for your health and do not have any side effects. However, they are considered to be high in a substance known as oxalates which may increase your risk of kidney stones.

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Reviewed By: Naval Goel

Naval Goel is the CEO & founder of Naval has an expertise in the insurance sector and has professional experience of more than a decade in the Industry and has worked in companies like AIG, New York doing valuation of insurance subsidiaries. He is also an Associate Member of the Indian Institute of Insurance, Pune. He has been authorized by IRDAI to act as a Principal Officer of Insurance Web Aggregator.