Health Benefits of Drinking Milk
  • Health Benefits of Milk
  • Nutrients in milk?
  • Advantages of drinking milk
Health Benefits of Drinking Milk
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Understand the nutrient advantages of milk for your health

Milk was the first food that humans consumed for many centuries. Due, to its wholesome delectable, generally simple to obtain, and easy to digest. Cow milk is still the most common type of milk in our diets. Milk can be obtained in many ways, including an expanding range of non-dairy milk like almond milk, soybean milk etc. There are many categories of milk available in the market such as skim milk, lactose-free milk, full cream milk, etc. Apart from the nutrient content, some people find it difficult to digest the natural sugar in milk which we describe as lactose intolerant but the majority of people can easily digest the milk contents. In this article, we will discuss some health benefits nutrient contents, and advantages of drinking milk.

Health Benefits of Drinking Milk

There are many benefits of drinking milk to your health, some of the benefits are discussed below:

  • Protein for overall health

    Protein is the primary constituent of the human body, and it is necessary for the natural growth and repair of the muscles. Milk's high content makes it an excellent choice if you are looking for a quick, wholesome beverage.
    Fact- Studies have shown that a glass of chocolate milk is effective as the best post-workout recovery beverage.
  • Strong Bones and teeth

    Calcium is a crucial component of our daily diet because it is necessary for healthy bones and teeth, especially in the early stages of life. Because bones grow the most at that age and calcium is the most important component for bones. As we grow older our bone density declines. Calcium becomes one of the most important components at an older age. Consumption of milk is also recommended in the condition of osteoporosis when the bones become thinner.
  • Blood pressure

    Research shows that abnormally high blood pressure is a major factor in heart-related diseases. Meanwhile, the consumption of dairy products is linked to reducing blood pressure at certain levels. The unique combinations of calcium, magnesium, and potassium that are found in milk are responsible for that
  • Improves sleep

    Tyrphotopen, an amino acid that is present in milk helps your brain to relax resulting in better sleep. So if you having difficulty falling asleep you can drink a glass of lukewarm milk before bed.
  • Good for skin

    It is well known that adding milk to your diet has a lot of benefits. It loads with vital nutrients for both physical and mental well-being. Due to its rich nutrient contents, it naturally slows down the ageing process of the skin. Milk plays a very significant role in improving your skin, one of the best products to clean and glow your skin is raw milk. According to research when we consume milk at night right before sleep it helps to glow the skin in natural ways.
  • Good for hair

    Besides skin and bones, consuming milk regularly will greatly improve your hair health. The calcium and iron contents in milk will enhance the strength and shine of hair very much. Apart from this if you are going through hair loss which is the cause of low nutrients in your diet, drinking milk regularly will help you to give proper nutrients and reduce the density of hairfall.

Nutrient components of milk

The following are nutrient components of (1 cup 250 gm of whole fat milk):

Components Present value
Calorie 142 gms
Water 88%
Protein 8gms
fat 8 gms
carbohydrate 12 gms
sugar 12 gms

Possible health concerns of drinking milk

The milk contains lots of nutrients that are good for your health, while some nutrients can also affect your health badly. Given below are some of the malfunctions that can be caused by the bad effects of milk.

  • Lactose Intolerance

    Lactose or milk sugar is the main carbohydrate found in milk, it breaks later into glucose and galactose in your digestive system. However, some people lose the ability to completely digest after childhood a condition which is known as lactose intolerant. People having lactose intolerance can not fully absorb lactose and some or part of it falls down the colon, where the existing bacteria start fermenting it. The fermentation leads to the formation of short-chain fatty acids such as carbon dioxide, methane, etc. which then results in vomiting and bad air.
  • Milk allergy

    Milk allergy is rare in adults, compared to children who have higher chances of milk allergy. In many cases, allergic symptoms are caused by a weight protein called alpha-lactoglobulin and beta-lactoglobulin. The main symptoms of milk allergy are skin rash, swelling, breathing problems, vomiting diarrhoea, and blood in stools.

Health Benefits of Drinking Milk: FAQs

1. How does milk benefit your body?

Calcium, phosphorus, vitamin D, and protein are all nutrients found in milk that are crucial for healthy bones. Milk consumption hasn't been linked to a reduction in hip fractures, though.

2. How many benefits does milk have?

Niacin, vitamin B3, riboflavin, and vitamin B12, which help turn food into energy, are abundant in milk. Red blood cell production and the healthy operation of the central nervous system both require vitamin B12.

3. Does milk improve skin?

Milk contains a number of nutrients that promote healthy skin. It contains enzymes to help smooth skin as well as lactic acid, which can be used as an exfoliant. Additionally, it contains amino acids, which support skin hydration. Milk contains antioxidants, which can help protect against environmental toxin damage.

4. Does milk help digestion?

In fact, it can be extremely beneficial, especially to babies and young children. Because of its vitamins and minerals, full fat dairy in milk has actually been shown to promote brain growth and improve digestion in some children who do not produce enough bile in their digestive systems to function properly.

5. Which milk is good for bones?

All of the milk fat has been taken out of skim or no-fat milk. It has a higher proportion of calcium by weight and fewer calories as a result. Nearly a third of the daily calcium requirement for adults is found in an 8-ounce cup of skim milk, which has 325 mg of calcium in it.

6. What does milk contain?

Milk is composed of about 87% water. It contains, on average, 3.5% protein, about 5% lactose, a variable amount of fat, from 0.5% (in skimmed milk) to 3–4% (in whole milk) and minerals (1.2%, mainly calcium and phosphorus) [3,5,6]. Milk contains calcium, which is essential for bone building.

7. Why milk is best at night?

Normally, melatonin levels rise in the body later in the evening when the sun has set, signaling our brain that it's time for sleep. If your brain is not as tired as your body at bedtime, a glass of milk before bed could help boost your serotonin hormone levels and get your mind in sync with your body.

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Priya Singh

Written By: Priya Singh

Priya has been in the content writing industry for over 8 years. She has been religiously following the insurance sector since the start of her career which makes her an avid insurance expert. Her forte lies in health, term, and life insurance writing, along with her knowledge of the latest developments in the insurance sector.