Term Insurance Without Medical Test
  • Pre-health check ups
  • Importance of medical test
  • Challenges faced
Term Insurance Without Medical Test
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What is Term Insurance?

Term Insurance is a financial protection plan designed to provide financial safety to the loved ones of an individual after their demise. This plan is easy to understand as benefits will be paid only if the insured dies during the tenure except in TROP (Term Plan with Return on Premium), where some percentage of the premium is returned.

Can I Buy Term Insurance Without A Medical Test?

No, it is not possible to purchase a term insurance plan without undergoing a medical test. Your current health condition is one of the key factors in determining the premiums that you will have to pay for your term plan premiums. Some term insurance plans might highlight that you can purchase them without undergoing a pre-policy medical examination. Remember that such policies can be purchased only after taking basic medical examinations such as blood tests, urine tests, BMI, and Urine tests.

Why Undergoing a Medical Test is Important Before Buying a Term Insurance Plan?

As a standard practice, insurance providers then started implementing medical tests for term insurance policies. The insurers are called for a medical test at the centers allotted by the insurance companies. The cost of the medical tests is borne by the insurance company if the person is approved for buying the term plan and in case of rejection, the costs are borne by the person being tested. Medical tests play a crucial role in the process of buying term insurance for both policyholders and insurance companies. Here's why they are important:

For Policyholders:

  • Accurate Pricing: Medical tests help insurance companies assess the health risks associated with an individual accurately. This means that policyholders are more likely to pay premiums that reflect their actual health status. Without medical tests, healthier individuals might end up subsidizing the premiums of less healthy ones.
  • Coverage eligibility: Medical tests can determine whether a policyholder has some undisclosed or undiscovered pre-existing conditions or not. Medical tests can bring to light any undiscovered pre-existing diseases which can help the policyholder be aware of them and take suitable action based on them.
  • Helps Avoid Claim Rejection: Knowing that your policy is accurately priced based on your health status and after all the exams, you can relax as the chances of your claim getting rejected would be very low. You can be confident that your family will receive the intended financial protection in case of your demise.

For Insurance Companies:

  • Risk Assessment: Medical tests enable insurance companies to assess the health risks of applicants. This helps determine the likelihood of having to pay out a death benefit during the policy term.
  • Pricing Accuracy: Accurate risk assessment through medical tests allows insurance companies to set appropriate premiums. This ensures that they can cover their liabilities while remaining financially stable.
  • Fraud Prevention: Medical tests can help verify the accuracy of information provided by applicants on their health and medical history. This reduces the likelihood of insurance fraud.

Challenges Associated With Term Plans Including Medical Tests

The following are the challenges that can be faced by applicants of term insurance policies:

  • Inconvenience and the amount of time it takes are common issues when undergoing a medical test. The insurance purchase process may experience delays due to scheduling appointments, visiting clinics or hospitals and waiting for test results.
  • Some people may have or experience anxiety or fear during medical tests. This may cause hesitation or unwillingness among potential policyholders, affecting their choice to select term insurance.
  • Sharing personal health information is necessary during medical tests with insurance companies and medical professionals. Privacy issues may make some individuals hesitant to take tests and disclose confidential information.

Medical Tests For Buying Term Insurance

The following is the list of medical tests and examinations that a future policyholder might have to go through:

  • Blood Tests

    These tests can include a complete blood count (CBC) to assess overall health, and other blood markers to check for specific conditions.
  • Urine Analysis

    Urinalysis can help detect kidney problems, diabetes, and other medical conditions.
  • BMI (Body Mass Index) Measurement

    BMI is used to assess whether an applicant is within a healthy weight range relative to their height.
  • ECG (electrocardiogram)

    An eCG records the electrical activity of the heart and can help identify cardiac issues.
  • Treadmill Test (Stress Test)

    This test assesses cardiovascular fitness and can help identify heart-related problems during physical activity.
  • Blood Sugar (Glucose) Test

    This test measures blood glucose levels and helps assess diabetes risk.
  • Lipid Profile

    This includes measurements of cholesterol levels (total cholesterol, LDL, HDL) and triglycerides to assess heart disease risk.
  • Chest X-ray

    A chest X-ray can detect lung and heart conditions and assess overall lung health.
  • Liver Function Tests

    These tests evaluate the health of the liver by measuring liver enzymes and other markers.
  • Kidney Function Tests

    These tests assess kidney health by measuring markers like creatinine and blood urea nitrogen (BUN).
  • Ultrasonography

    Ultrasound imaging can be used to examine specific organs, such as the liver, kidneys, or thyroid, to identify any abnormalities.

Not all insurance policies will require all of these tests, and some applicants may need additional tests based on their medical history and risk factors. It's essential to work with the insurance company or a medical professional to determine which tests are necessary for your specific policy application. Additionally, the results of these tests can affect your premium rates and coverage eligibility, so it's important to be honest and accurate in your health disclosures during the underwriting process.

Cost Of Medical Tests

The cost of medical tests in India can vary widely depending on the location type and number of tests etc. required for the assessment of a future policyholder's health. Here is a general estimate of the cost range for some common medical tests:

  • Blood Tests (CBC, Blood Sugar, Lipid Profile) The cost for a basic blood test panel can range from Rs 500 to Rs 1,500 or more, depending on the location and the laboratory.
  • Urine Analysis A urine analysis typically costs around Rs. 200 to Rs. 500.
  • ECG (electrocardiogram) An ECG can cost between Rs 300 to Rs 1,000, depending on the facility and location.
  • Treadmill Test (Stress Test) The cost of a stress test may range from Rs 1,500 to Rs 4,000 or more.
  • Chest X-ray A chest X-ray can cost around Rs 300 to Rs 800.
  • Liver and Kidney Function Tests Liver function tests and kidney function tests may cost between Rs 500 to Rs 1,500 each, depending on the specific tests included.
  • Ultrasonography The cost of an ultrasound can vary significantly based on the body part being examined and may range from Rs 1,000 to Rs 3,000 or more.

What if You Have a Pre-existing Health Condition?

As we all know an individual has to undergo a pre-policy test to buy a term insurance plan. In this process, if the insurer comes across any pre-existing disease or any health issues that can lead to death, the insurer views the policyholder as a high-risk individual. In this case, the insurer makes sure that they will only cover the death caused due to any other reasons such as accidents and not cover death caused by any pre-existing diseases.

This does not mean that a person with a pre-existing disease is not eligible for term insurance. Such individuals will get the term insurance with a death benefit, excluding any pre-existing disease or health condition.

In a Nutshell

Significant changes have occurred in the insurance industry due to the COVID-19 pandemic, especially concerning medical test requirements for term insurance policies. So, it is mandatory to get medically examined before you purchase a term insurance policy. Apart from this, it is advised that you buy a term plan in your early years when you are younger and healthier as the premium charged is low.

Term Insurance Without Medical Test : FAQ

1. Can I get Term Insurance without medical test?

No, due to changes brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic, it is now mandatory to undergo a medical test before purchasing term insurance.

2. Who will pay for the medical tests?

The cost of the medical tests is typically borne by the applicant. If you are approved for the insurance policy, the insurance company may reimburse you for the cost. However, if your application is rejected, you will be responsible for covering the expenses.

3. What are the challenges faced when buying term insurance including medical tests?

Undergoing medical tests can be inconvenient and time-consuming, and some people may fel anxious about them. There are also concerns about sharing personal health information.

4. What all medical tests are required for buying term insurance?

Medical tests for term insurance can include blood tests, urine analysis, BMI measurement, eCG, stress tests, and more. The specific tests neded may vary based on your health and risk factors.

5. When is the best time to buy term insurance?

It is advised to buy term insurance in your early years when you are younger and healthier, as this can lead to lower premiums and better coverage options.

6. Do term insurance plans cover pre-existing diseases?

Generally, term insurance plans do not cover pre-existing diseases, but the company design special ones that include pre-existing health conditions and the premium for those plans are high.

7. Who provides the medical test?

The pre-policy medical tests are generally performed at the medical centers recommended by the company. Sometimes these checkup expenses are paid by the companies.

Term Insurance Companies

Check and compare plans from 21 IRDAI-approved term insurance providers before purchasing a term plan.

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Priya Singh

Written By: Priya Singh

Priya has been in the content writing industry for over 8 years. She has been religiously following the insurance sector since the start of her career which makes her an avid insurance expert. Her forte lies in health, term, and life insurance writing, along with her knowledge of the latest developments in the insurance sector.