Rare Disease and Health Insurance Cover
  • Understanding Rare Diseases
  • complications for people with this.
  • Health insurance plans for rare diseases.
Rare Disease and Health Insurance Cover
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Health Insurance for Rare Diseases

Have you seen the recent episodes of Shark Tank India? Then you might have seen the guy with the device that supports people who have Parkinson's disease to WALK. Great innovation, isn't it?

But do you know what is Parkinson's disease? It is a kind of rare disease. However, there are numerous other rare diseases as well that we might or might not know about. This article will give a brief idea about rare diseases and health insurance for rare diseases, let's have a look.

What are Rare Diseases?

Rare diseases are medical conditions that affect only a small number of people, maybe 1 in a lakh! Thousands of rare diseases have been recognised by doctors and thousands of diseases are not recognised. These diseases can affect any part of the body and occur at any age. Rare diseases can be congenital, or genetic. Some people are born with these diseases, and sometimes, they may develop it with time. For example, Down syndrome can be spotted from birth, while Parkinson's disease usually happens in old age. So, nobody knows when these diseases might happen. Let us have a look at some of its types.

What are Some Common Types of Rare Diseases?

There are over 10,000 rare diseases that exist today. Some of them are:

  • Cystic Fibrosis

    Genetic disorder that affects the lungs and digestive system.
  • Huntington's Disease

    A neurological disorder that can affect behaviours, movement, and cognition.
  • Muscular Dystrophy

    A group of genetic diseases that can lead to weakness and loss of muscle mass.
  • Hemophilia

    The disorder that impairs the ability to control blood clotting in the body and leads to excessive bleeding.
  • Sickle Cell Anemia

    A blood disorder that can cause abnormal haemoglobin, leading to misshapen red blood cells.
  • Marfan Syndrome

    It affects the body's connective tissue, leading to abnormalities in the skeletal system, heart, and eyes.
  • Tourette Syndrome

    Disorder characterised by repetitive, involuntary movement, and vocalization called tics.
  • Gaucher Disease

    Some fatty substances accumulate in cells and certain organs, leading to several disorders.
  • Narcolepsy

    A neurological disorder that can lead to daytime sleepiness and sudden attack of sleep.
  • Down Syndrome

    This affects the formation of cells in the body and a person's intellect.
  • Parkinson's Disease

    A neurological condition that causes problems with the movement of a person.

And much more. There are more than these diseases that can affect a person.

Common Challenges

While every rare disease is unique, there are so many common challenges that are faced by people dealing with the disease. Below are some of these issues that we need to have an idea about for greater awareness:

  • Diagnosis

    It is difficult to diagnose rare diseases because doctors might not be familiar with them. Thus, it can lead to delays in diagnosis and treatment of the patients.
  • Treatment

    For most rare diseases, there is no effective treatment available because researchers are still studying & experimenting with better solutions.
  • Support

    People with rare diseases have to go through a lot. Most of them feel isolated and alone because we, normal people make them feel like that. But few others take care of these people, including family members, healthcare providers, and many others who are educated about the conditions and how to handle people suffering from them. To create a warm & healthy environment amongst us, attending to them both emotionally & physically is the need of the hour.

    We celebrate Rare Disease Day on every last day of February to support the patients and generate awareness for rare diseases among the general public.

Bottom Line

Rare diseases are not prevalent and can be fatal. And we all know that life is very uncertain. Although 74% of rare diseases are genetic, they can also happen due to environmental structure. The treatment for these diseases can be very costly. So, it is highly beneficial to get a health insurance plan for rare diseases to get high-quality treatment. But, all health insurance does not cover all kinds of rare diseases. You need to check the policy very well to understand whether your disease will be covered or not.

In case of any query, you can call our experts at PolicyX.

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Health Insurance for Rare Diseases: FAQs

1. How to prevent rare diseases?

Rare diseases can happen to anyone. You need to consume a fibre-rich diet and avoid using tobacco to stay healthy.

2. How to identify rare diseases?

It is quite difficult to identify rare diseases. Consult your doctor for tests and other diagnosis methods.

3. Is Down syndrome a rare disease?

Yes, Down syndrome is a rare disease.

4. Are there any limitations or restrictions on the coverage for rare disease treatments?

Yes, some insurance plans may have certain limitations like the requirement of pre-authorization or limited coverage.

5. Will my health insurance cover genetic testing for rare diseases?

It depends on policy to policy. You must check the health insurance plan for concise details before buying it.

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Simran Saxena

Written By: Simran Saxena

An explorer and a curious person, Simran has worked in the field of insurance for more than 3 years. Traveling and writing is her only passion and hobby. Her main agenda is to transform insurance information into a piece that is easy to understand and solves the reader’s query seamlessly.